How to Send Encrypted Emails Using PGP and eM Client
PGP, short for "Pretty Good Privacy," is an encryption method designed to ensure the security and confidentiality of emails. PGP uses a system of public and private keys to encrypt and decrypt messages. An encrypted email can only be read by the person who possesses the corresponding private key, while the public key can be freely distributed. Thus, encrypted emails provide effective protection against unauthorized access and eavesdropping.
Encryption not only protects the content from unauthorized access but also from manipulation. This ensures that the message has not been altered during transmission. An email can be sent in plain text with a signature to ensure its integrity.
eM Client is a versatile email program that, in addition to managing emails, also supports calendars, tasks, and contacts. It is characterized by its user-friendliness and integration of security features such as PGP, making it particularly suitable for sending and receiving encrypted emails easily and effectively.
We will show you how to set up PGP encryption in just a few minutes!
Secure Email Communication:
Step-by-Step Guide to PGP Setup
In many industries, there are legal regulations for the protection of personal data. Using encryption can help meet these compliance requirements and avoid legal consequences.
eM Client with built-in PGP encryption is more user-friendly and cost-effective than Microsoft Outlook 365. It offers seamless security features without additional software, supports numerous email services, and requires no complex setup.
Simple and Secure:
How to Send an Encrypted Email
You can send an encrypted email by enabling encryption in the email editor. This can be done with a single click. You only need the recipient's public key. The key exchange via OpenPGP or eM Keystore is handled automatically by eM Client.
Is PGP Encryption Important for Data Protection and GoDB Compliance?
The GDPR and GoDB are important regulations that govern data protection and proper data retention. Data protection is especially crucial for personal data and business secrets. With PGP, emails are always stored and transmitted encrypted, ensuring secure storage. Additionally, the signature protects the integrity of the messages, which is essential for complying with GoDB regulations.